Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Fun With Side Effects

For the last month I have been having terrible heart burn. The kind of heart burn that wakes you up in the middle of the night, forces you to drink a bottle of water and eat a couple of chalky antacids. I began to suspect the culprit may be one of my medications, considering my diet has not changed one iota and one of my dosages did.

I looked up the list of side effects of all my medications in the U.S. National Library Medicine National Institutes of Health website. Have you ever really read these things?

I found that it is possible that one of the medications I take for neuropathic pain can cause heart burn. Trouble is, I've been taking this one for nearly two years, so why now? Another could cause kidney stones. Another, swollen feet, ankles, lower legs and hands. Another, a high or elevated mood (woo hoo!). One of my other ones may cause hair to grow where hair does not usually grow. Crazy.

So later, when I was taking a shower, I was scrubbing off like I usually do and I happened to notice a long black hair growing out of my shoulder. My shoulder! I had just read about this and here I was staring at a random hair growing where hair should not grow. And I'm a brunette. Oh, I certainly plucked that thing out!

So far I have dealt with vivid dreams, insomnia, heart burn and now I am turning into a suburban werewolf. What next?

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