Friday, December 9, 2016

Hello again, Dear Friends!

So sorry for the radio silence, but I GOT A JOB! The last six months have been the most wonderful, and the most challenging, time I have had in quite a while. Not only did I find just the right kind of employment I was looking for, I maintianed my full time status in school as well.

I got a job as an activities assistant at a local home for people with dementia and Alzheimer's Disease. for those who have been following since the beginning, this is similar to the job that I had to resign from a few years back. I was so excited to interview for this job and even more excited to get that phone call with the actual offer. It started off as a part position but transitioned into a full time one when a vacancy suddenly opened up.

I admit I was a little nervous to take on the full time hours. Not only because I hadn't worked full time in so long, but also because I was still a full time student. I am still in the throws of finishing my Bachelor's degree. I am so close to completing it I can smell it! This semester saw many challenges. Some good and some bad (I'll fill you in soon!) This was my last full time semester and I can thankfully get back to what I love - writing -  which is why I went back to school in the first place. That and to finally have that silly piece of paper on my wall.

I just wanted to drop you guys a note to say hello again! I am here to stay and happier and healthier than ever. Look forward to even more updates because I have so much to tell you!